2020 Top Ten of Polemic for History

Ten percent plan
The ten percent plan, formally the Proclamation of Amnesty and Reconstruction, was a United States presidential proclamation issued on December 8, 1863, by United States President Abraham Lincoln, during the American Civil War. By this point in the war, the Union Army had pushed the Confederate Army out of several regions of the South, and some Confederate states were ready to have their governments rebuilt. Lincoln's plan established a process through which this postwar reconstruction could come about
Robinson Treaties
The Robinson Treaties are two treaties signed between the Ojibwa chiefs and The Crown in 1850 in the Province of Canada. The first treaty involved Ojibwa chiefs along the north shore of Lake Superior, and is known as the Robinson Superior Treaty. The second treaty, signed two days later, included Ojibwa chiefs from along the eastern and northern shores of Lake Huron, and is known as the Robinson Huron Treaty. The Wiikwemkoong First Nation did not sign either treaty, and their land is considered "unceded
Constitutional reforms of Julius Caesar
The constitutional reforms of Julius Caesar were a series of laws to the Constitution of the Roman Republic enacted between 49 and 44 BC, during Caesar's dictatorship. Caesar was murdered in 44 BC before the implications of his constitutional actions could be realized
New Jersey Plan
The New Jersey Plan was a proposal for the structure of the United States Government presented during the Constitutional Convention of 1787. Principally authored by William Paterson of New Jersey, the New Jersey Plan was an important alternative to the Virginia Plan proposed by James Madison and Edmund Randolph of Virginia
Kettle War
The Kettle War was a military confrontation between the troops of the Holy Roman Empire and the Republic of the Seven Netherlands on 8 October 1784. It was named the Kettle War because the only shot fired hit a soup kettle
Elections in the Roman Republic
Elections in the Roman Republic were an essential part of its governance, with participation only being afforded to Roman citizens. Upper-class interests, centered in the urban political environment of cities, often trumped the concerns of the diverse and disunified lower class; while at times, those already in power would pre-select candidates for office, further reducing the value of voters’ input. The candidates themselves at first remained distant from voters and refrained from public presentations
Battle of Sarsa
The Battle of Sarsa was fought between the Khalsa and the Mughal Empire. The battle ended with the Sikhs being defeated while trying to cross the Sarsa river
World Turtle Day
World Turtle Day is an annual observance occurring every May 23. It began in 2000 and is sponsored by the American Tortoise Rescue. The day was created as a yearly observance to help people celebrate and protect turtles and tortoises and their disappearing habitats around the world as well as to encourage human action to help them survive and thrive. A study on the effects of biodiversity awareness days listed World Turtle Day as an example of how they increase the internet search traffic on the protected
List of Texas Revolution battles
When General Santa Anna changed the constitution and began operating as a dictator, Federalists throughout the country revolted; in Texas, an armed uprising began on October 2, 1835, when settlers refused to return a small cannon to Mexican troops. This Battle of Gonzales ended with Mexican troops retreating empty-handed to San Antonio de Bexar. Emboldened by their victory, the Texans formed a volunteer army. A small force of Texans traveled down the Texas coastline, defeating Mexican troops at Goliad and
Sultan Battery (Mangalore)
The Sultan Bateri watch tower, constructed in 1784 by Tipu Sultan is in Boloor, 4 km from the centre of Mangalore city, the chief port city in the state of Karnataka, India