2019 Top Ten of Polemic for Health

Dental surgery
Dental surgery is any of a number of medical procedures that involve artificially modifying dentition; in other words, surgery of the teeth, gums and jaw bones
Aid station
An aid station is a temporary facility established to provide supplies to endurance event participants or medical first aid and provisions during major events, disaster response situations, or military operations
List of organs of the human body
This article contains a list of organs of the human body. A general consensus is widely believed to be 78 organs; however, there is no universally standard definition of what constitutes an organ, and some tissue groups' status as one is debated. Since there is no single standard definition of what an organ is, the number of organs varies depending on how one defines an organ. For example, this list contains much more than 78 different organs
Eubacterium is a genus of Gram-positive bacteria in the family Eubacteriaceae. These bacteria are characterised by a rigid cell wall. They may either be motile or nonmotile. If motile, they have a flagellum. A typical flagellum consists of a basal body, filament, and hook. The long filament is the organ which helps eubacteria move
Drug policy of Nazi Germany
The generally tolerant official drug policy in the Third Reich, the period of Nazi control of Germany from the 1933 Machtergreifung to Germany's 1945 defeat in World War II, was inherited from the Weimar government which was installed in 1919 following the dissolution of the German monarchy at the end of World War I
D-IX is a methamphetamine-based experimental performance enhancer developed by Nazi Germany in 1944 for military application. The researcher who rediscovered this project, Wolf Kemper, said that "the aim was to use D-IX to redefine the limits of human endurance." One dose contained 5 mg oxycodone, 5 mg cocaine, and 3 mg methamphetamine
Reflective listening
Reflective listening is a communication strategy involving two key steps: seeking to understand a speaker's idea, then offering the idea back to the speaker, to confirm the idea has been understood correctly. It attempts to "reconstruct what the client is thinking and feeling and to relay this understanding back to the client". Reflective listening is a more specific strategy than the more general methods of active listening. It arose from Carl Rogers' school of client-centered therapy in counseling theory
Windburn is a condition whereby a sunburn obtained in cool or cloudy conditions is incorrectly attributed to the effects of the wind rather than the sun mostly in North America. The main reason for this is that in cool or cloudy conditions many people are unaware that they are still vulnerable to the burning effects of the sun's UV radiation, so fail to take precautionary sun protection measures. This increases their risk of sustaining a sunburn, which they may then falsely attribute to the wind
Manual handling of loads
Manual handling of loads (MHL), manual material handling (MMH) involves the use of the human body to lift, lower, carry or transfer loads. The average person is exposed to manual lifting of loads in the work place, in recreational atmospheres, and even in the home. To properly protect one from injuring themselves, it can help to understand general body mechanics
The jaw is any opposable articulated structure at the entrance of the mouth, typically used for grasping and manipulating food. The term jaws is also broadly applied to the whole of the structures constituting the vault of the mouth and serving to open and close it and is part of the body plan of humans and most animals