2018 Top Ten of Polemic for Religion

God the Son
God the Son is the second person of the Trinity in Christian theology. The doctrine of the Trinity identifies Jesus as the incarnation of God, united in essence (consubstantial) but distinct in person with regard to God the Father and God the Holy Spirit
Letter to the editor
A letter to the editor (LTE) is a letter sent to a publication about issues of concern from its readers. Usually, letters are intended for publication. In many publications, letters to the editor may be sent either through conventional mail or electronic mail
Hegir-Nuna is a goddess in Sumerian religion. She is one of the seven daughters of the goddess Baba, known chiefly at Lagash
Criticism of Hinduism
Criticism of Hinduism has been applied to both historical and current aspects of Hinduism, notably Sati and the caste system
List of Islamic texts
Muati is an obscure local god in the Sumerian pantheon. He is associated in some texts with the mythical island paradise of Dilmun, and becomes syncretised with Nabu
The Vināyakas were a group of four troublesome demons who created obstacles and difficulties in Hindu mythology, but who were easily propitiated. One theory of the origin of Ganesha is that he gradually came to prominence in connection with the Vināyakas
Malsumis is thought by some to be the highly malevolent spirit or god of chaos and thorns in Abenaki mythology, an Algonquian people of northeastern North America. Some Wabanaki believe that he is not Gluskab's brother at all, or agree that he was not evil
Ḥuqúqu'lláh is a voluntary wealth tax paid by adherents of the Baháʼí Faith to support the work of the religion. Individuals following the practice calculate 19% of their discretionary income and send it to the head of the religion, which since 1963 has been the Universal House of Justice
Jay Sadguru Swami
Jay Sadguru Swami is the arti sung at Swaminarayan Sampradaya mandirs. This arti was composed by Muktanand Swami on 5 November 1802. During the arti, a lighted lamp is waved before murtis, representations of Swaminarayan and other deities. In shikharbaddha mandirs, arti is performed five times a day; in dev mandirs, also known as Hari mandirs, arti is performed in the morning and evening only