2018 Top Ten of Polemic

Battle of Sabana Larga
The Battle of Sabana Larga was a major battle during the years after the Dominican War of Independence. It was fought on the 24 January 1856 in Sabana Larga, Dajabón. A force of 8,000 Dominican troops of the northern army, led by General Juan Luis Franco Bidó, defeated a numerically larger force of 22,000 troops of the Haitian army under Emperor Faustin I. Another part of the Haitian army was entrenched in Jácuba near Puerto Plata, but were defeated by Florentino and General Peter Lucas Peña
Sanjay Kak
Sanjay Kak is an author, activist and self-taught film-maker. He is known for his documentaries about environmental activism and resistance politics
Battle of Estrelleta
The Battle of Estrelleta, was a major battle of the Dominican War of Independence and was fought on the 17 September 1845 at the site of Estrelleta, near Las Matas de Farfán, San Juan Province. A force of Dominican troops, a portion of the Army of the South, led by General Antonio Duvergé, defeated an outnumbering force of the Haitian Army led by General Jean-Louis Pierrot
Henry A. Fischel
Henry A. Fischel was an American-German professor emeritus of Near Eastern languages and cultures at Indiana University
Mission San Gabriel Arcángel
Mission San Gabriel Arcángel is a Californian mission and historic landmark in San Gabriel, California. It was founded by Spaniards of the Franciscan order on "The Feast of the Birth of Mary," September 8, 1771, as the fourth of what would become twenty-one Spanish missions in California. San Gabriel Arcángel was named after the Archangel Gabriel and often referred to as the "Godmother of the Pueblo of Los Angeles." The mission was built and run using what has been described as slave labor from nearby
Staying on Top
Staying on Top is a 2002 American made for cable erotic film directed by John Quinn
Battle of Beler
The Battle of Beler, was one of the major battles of the Dominican War of Independence and was fought on the 27 November 1845 at the Beler savanna, Monte Cristi Province. A force of Dominican troops, a portion of the Army of the North, led by General Francisco Antonio Salcedo, defeated a force of the Haitian Army led by General Jean-Louis Pierrot, while 3 Dominican schooners led by Admiral Juan Bautista Cambiaso, blockaded the port of Cap-Haïtien to prevent sea reinforcements of the near sited land battle
Maya city
Maya cities were the centres of population of the pre-Columbian Maya civilization of Mesoamerica. They served the specialised roles of administration, commerce, manufacturing and religion that characterised ancient cities worldwide. Maya cities tended to be more dispersed than cities in other societies, even within Mesoamerica, as a result of adaptation to a lowland tropical environment that allowed food production amidst areas dedicated to other activities. They lacked the grid plans of the highland
Control variable
A control variable in scientific experimentation is an experimental element which is constant and unchanged throughout the course of the investigation. Control variables could strongly influence experimental results, were they not held constant during the experiment in order to test the relative relationship of the dependent and independent variables. The control variables themselves are not of primary interest to the experimenter
Trần Thừa
Trần Thừa was the head of the Trần clan and a high-ranking mandarin during the reign of Lý Huệ Tông and Lý Chiêu Hoàng. After the overthrow of the Lý Dynasty by Trần Thủ Độ, Trần Thừa's second son Trần Cảnh was enthroned as Trần Thái Tông, the first emperor of the Trần Dynasty. Being the Emperor's father, Trần Thừa was honoured by the title Retired Emperor and given the temple name Trần Thái Tổ after his death. He was thus the first retired emperor of the Trần