2013 Top Ten of Polemic for Health

Living Is For Everyone
Living Is For Everyone (LIFE) is a suicide prevention initiative of the Australian Government's National Suicide Prevention Strategy (NSPS). The National Suicide Prevention Strategy funds a number of programs, some jointly funded with the National Mental Health Strategy. The programs, which operate in a range of settings, use population-based approaches with an emphasis on community capacity building. The LIFE initiative has two main components: the LIFE resources and the LIFE website
Blood-borne disease
A blood-borne disease is a disease that can be spread through contamination by blood and other body fluids. Blood can contain pathogens of various types, chief among which are microorganisms, like bacteria and parasites, and non-living infectious agents such as viruses. Three blood-borne pathogens in particular, all viruses, are cited as of primary concern to health workers by the CDC-NIOSH: HIV, hepatitis B (HVB), & hepatitis C (HVC
List of genetic disorders
The following is a list of genetic disorders and if known, type of mutation and for the chromosome involved. Although the parlance "disease-causing gene" is common, it is the occurrence of an abnormality in the parents that causes the impairment to develop within the child. There are over 6,000 known genetic disorders in humans
Tooth brushing
Tooth brushing is the act of scrubbing teeth with a toothbrush, usually equipped with toothpaste. Interdental cleaning can be useful with tooth brushing, and together these two activities are the primary means of cleaning teeth, one of the main aspects of oral hygiene
Loa loa
Loa loa is a filarial (arthropod-borne) nematode (roundworm) that causes Loa loa filariasis. Loa loa actually means "worm worm", but is commonly known as the "eye worm", as it localizes to the conjunctiva of the eye. Loa loa is commonly found in Africa. It mainly inhabits rain forests in West Africa and has native origins in Ethiopia. The disease caused by Loa loa is called loiasis is one of the neglected tropical diseases
Vaginal lubrication
Vaginal lubrication is a naturally produced fluid that lubricates a vagina. Vaginal lubrication is always present, but production increases significantly near ovulation and during sexual arousal in anticipation of sexual intercourse. Vaginal dryness is the condition in which this lubrication is insufficient, and sometimes artificial lubricants are used to augment it. Without sufficient lubrication, sexual intercourse can be painful. The vaginal lining has no glands, and therefore the vagina must rely on
List of macronutrients
This list is a categorization of the most common food components based on their macronutrients. Macronutrients can refer to the chemical substances that humans consume in the largest
Diplomate of National Board
Diplomate of National Board (DNB) is a Post-graduate Master's degree same as MD/MS degree awarded to the Specialist Doctors in India after completion of three year residency. DNB courses are run and the degrees are awarded by the National Board of Examinations (NBE), New Delhi, an autonomous academic body under the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India to the candidates on successful completion of their postgraduate residency. People who completed an MD/MS program in their respective
Soft tissue injury
A soft tissue injury is the damage of muscles, ligaments and tendons throughout the body. Common soft tissue injuries usually occur from a sprain, strain, a one-off blow resulting in a contusion or overuse of a particular part of the body. Soft tissue injuries can result in pain, swelling, bruising and loss of function
Leg bone
Leg bones are the bones found in the leg. These can include the following:Femur – The bone in the thigh. Patella – The knee cap Tibia – The shin bone, the larger of the two leg bones located below the knee cap Fibula – The smaller of the two leg bones located below the knee cap