Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) is a viral respiratory disease of zoonotic origin caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus, the first identified strain of the SARS coronavirus species severe acute respiratory syndrome–related coronavirus (SARSr-CoV). The first known cases occurred in November 2002, and the syndrome caused the 2002–2004 SARS outbreak. In the 2010s, Chinese scientists traced the virus through the intermediary of Asian palm civets to cave-dwelling horseshoe bats in Xiyang Yi Ethnic Township, Yunnan.
2002–2004 SARS outbreak
The 2002–2004 outbreak of SARS, caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus, infected over 8,000 people from 29 countries and territories, and resulted in at least 774 deaths worldwide
Epidemiology of binge drinking
Binge drinking is the practice of drinking too many alcoholic drinks in a short period of time, as the effects can differ from person to person, the exact amount that constitues binge drinking is different for each individual. Definitions of binge
Hopkins syndrome
Hopkins syndrome is a neurological disorder. Its cause has not been established, but its association with asthma exacerbations has led to suspicion that the initial viral insult that causes the respiratory infection is also implicated in the subsequent
Zhou Zhengyi
Zhou Zhengyi, Known in Hong Kong as Chau Ching Ngai, is a businessman and property developer from Shanghai, China. Zhou profited from Shanghai's real estate boom in the late 1990s to early 2000s, and was once described as the 11th richest man in China
Strong measure zero set
In mathematical analysis, a strong measure zero set is a subset A of the real line with the following property:for every sequence (εn) of positive reals there exists a sequence (In) of intervals such that |In| < εn for all n and A is contained in the
Cuboid fracture
A cuboid fracture is a fracture of the cuboid bone of the foot. Diagnosis is by X-ray imaging, magnetic resonance imaging, or bone scan. Treatment may be conservative or involve surgery, depending on the type of fracture. They are rare
Obesity hypoventilation syndrome
Obesity hypoventilation syndrome (OHS) is a condition in which severely overweight people fail to breathe rapidly or deeply enough, resulting in low oxygen levels and high blood carbon dioxide (CO2) levels. The syndrome is often associated with
Smith's fracture
A Smith's fracture, is a fracture of the distal radius
A wheeze is a continuous, coarse, whistling sound produced in the respiratory airways during breathing. For wheezes to occur, some part of the respiratory tree must be narrowed or obstructed, or airflow velocity within the respiratory tree must be
France Bleu Pays de Savoie
France Bleu Pays de Savoie, sometimes referred to as France Bleu Savoie, is a generalist radio station based in Chambéry. The radio station serves the departments of Savoie and Haute-Savoie, though it can also be received as far as Geneva, Lyon, and in