M150 Penetration Augmented Munition

The M150 Penetration Augmented Munition (PAM) is an explosive device developed for the Special Operations Forces of the United States Army, such as Delta Force. It is designed to destroy large, reinforced concrete structures, such as bridges, and was developed by Alliant Techsystems in collaboration with the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.
Yaogan is a broad term that refers to the various families of Chinese military reconnaissance satellites
Council of Legal Education
The Council of Legal Education (CLE) was an English supervisory body established by the four Inns of Court to regulate and improve the legal education of barristers within England and Wales
Gettler Boys
The Gettler Boys were a group of toxicologists who studied under or worked with Alexander Gettler, the "father of forensic toxicology in America." They included Irving Sunshine, Arthur Tiber, Abraham Friereich and Henry Freimuth. Many Gettler Boys went on
Legal Services Consultative Panel
The Legal Services Consultative Panel is an advisory body of the United Kingdom government tasked with advising the Lord Chancellor on the regulation and training of lawyers and other figures offering legal services. Established by Section 35 of the
Exchequer of Chester
The Exchequer of Chester was a fiscal court based in the County Palatine of Chester. In 1071 the Earldom of Chester was created, and due to the Earldom's size it ruled Chester almost entirely independently as a County Palatine. This arrangement
Euryxanthops orientalis
Euryxanthops orientalis is a species of crab found in Sagami Bay, Japan
Glanville Davies affair
The Glanville Davies affair was a scandal in the English legal profession which resulted in greater reform of the regulatory processes for solicitors and was one of the justifications for the Courts and Legal Services Act 1990. Glanville Davies was a
Streatfeild Committee on the Business of the Criminal Courts
The Streatfeild Committee on the Business of the Criminal Courts was a British committee set up to investigate the workings and process of the criminal courts in England and Wales. Its report and recommendations led directly to the Criminal Justice
Paraxanthodes obtusidens
Paraxanthodes obtusidens is a species of crab found in the bays of Japan and the China Sea
Elding is a surname. Notable people with the surname include:Anthony Elding, English footballer and coach Read Elding, British governor of Bahamas