
CorpWatch is a research group based in San Francisco, California, USA. Its stated mission is to expose corporate malfeasance, and to advocate for multinational corporate accountability and transparency.
Media Alliance
Media Alliance is an American media resource and advocacy center for media workers, non-profit organizations, and social justice activists. Through policy work and grassroots organizing, Media Alliance aims to ensure the unfettered flow of information by
World Commission on Dams
The World Commission on Dams (WCD) existed between April 1997 and 2001, to research the environmental, social and economic impacts of the development of large dams globally. The self-styled WCD consisted of members of civil society, academia, the private
Global Philanthropy Forum
The Global Philanthropy Forum (GPF) is an initiative of the World Affairs Council which acts as a peer-learning network of philanthropists — grant-makers and social investors — committed to advancing equity and opportunity in the developing world
List of globalization-related indices
This article lists various economic and human development measurements related to the study of globalization
The Global Journal
The Global Journal was a bimonthly online and printed magazine published by the Société des Fondateurs de The Global Journal SA concentrating on global governance issues. It was established in June 2010 by Jean-Christophe Nothias. Its newsroom was
Victoria Colored School
Officially named F. W. Gross High School on January 2, 1936, the Victoria Colored School, in Victoria County, Texas, United States, was built in 1901 under authorization of the newly elected school board. The Victoria Independent School District, formed
John Arundel Barnes
John Arundel Barnes M.A. D.Phil. DSC FBA was an Australian and British social anthropologist. Until his death in 2010, Barnes held the post of Emeritus Professor of Sociology, Fellow of Churchill College. From 1969 to 1982, he held the post of Professor
Dimensions of globalization
Manfred Steger, professor of Global Studies at the University of Hawaii at Manoa argues that globalization has four main dimensions: economic, political, cultural, ecological, with ideological aspects of each category. David Held's book Global
Global Society (journal)
Global Society is a quarterly peer-reviewed academic journal covering international relations and globalization. It was established in 1987 as Paradigms and obtained its current name in 1996. The editor-in-chief is Rubrick Biegon. The journal is published
Gunnar Karlsson
Gunnar Karlsson was an Icelandic historian. Gunnar shaped methodological teaching at the University of Iceland when he started working there in the seventies and wrote a number of textbooks in history for all school levels as well as other publications