Claude Fournier (revolutionary)

Claude Fournier L'Héritier was a French personality of the Revolution, nicknamed l'Americain.
Udrea Băleanu
Udrea Băleanu, also known as Băleanul, Banul Udrea, or Udrea of Băleni, was a Wallachian and Moldavian statesman and military commander. He was especially noted as a key supporter, and alleged uncle, of the unifying Prince Michael the Brave, serving
Dem. Theodorescu
Dem. Theodorescu was a Romanian journalist, humorist, and critic, remembered for his social-themed novels but also for his controversial political stances. A committed opponent of the National Liberal Party establishment, Theodorescu frequented the avant
I. Dragoslav
I. Dragoslav or Ion Dragoslav, pen names of Ion V. Ivaciuc or Ion Sumanariu Ivanciuc, was a Romanian writer. His presence on the local literary scene meant successive affiliations with various competing venues: having debuted with the traditionalist and
Boixcar was a Spanish cartoonist
Ioniță Cuza
Ion Cuza or Cuzea, commonly known as Ioniță Cuza, was a Moldavian statesman and political conspirator, remembered as one of the first Romanian nationalists and Freemasons. His paternal family, the Cuzas (Cuzeas), were landowners of uncertain origin who
Constantin Al. Ionescu-Caion
Constantin Al. Ionescu-Caion was a Romanian journalist and poet, primarily remembered for his legal dispute with humorist Ion Luca Caragiale. He was a Symbolist, a disciple of Alexandru Macedonski, and a militant Francophile, as well as a leading opponent
Gavril Istrati
Gavril Istrati, or Istrate, was a Moldavian boyar who mounted military resistance to the Filiki Eteria during the Greek War of Independence. Probably hailing from the yeomanry, he spent a while servicing the more powerful boyar Teodor "Frederic" Balș
Banul Mărăcine
Banul Mărăcine or Mărăcină, common rendition of Barbu III Craiovescu, Barbu Mărăcine or Barbu Basarab, was a historical figure in Wallachia, who claimed the title of Prince. He was one of several Craiovești pretenders to the throne, a category
Negiat Sali
Negiat Sali is a Romanian citizen economist and politician of turkish/tatar origin, a member of the Democratic Union of Turco-Islamic Tatars of Romania (UDTTMR) and former member of the Chamber of Deputies in 2000-2004
Margaret Leshikar-Denton
Margaret E. "Peggy" Leshikar-Denton is an archaeologist specialising in underwater archaeology, and director of the Cayman Islands National Museum