Christine Korsgaard

Christine Marion Korsgaard, is an American philosopher who is the Arthur Kingsley Porter Professor of Philosophy at Harvard University. Her main scholarly interests are in moral philosophy and its history; the relation of issues in moral philosophy to issues in metaphysics, the philosophy of mind, and the theory of personal identity; the theory of personal relationships; and in normativity in general.
J. David Velleman
J. David Velleman is Emeritus Professor of Philosophy and Bioethics at New York University and Miller Research Professor of Philosophy at Johns Hopkins University. He primarily works in the areas of ethics, moral psychology, and related areas such as the
R. Jay Wallace
R. Jay Wallace is a Professor of Philosophy and Judy Chandler Webb Distinguished Chair for Innovative Teaching and Research at the University of California, Berkeley. His areas of specialization include moral philosophy and philosophy of action. He is
F. W. Forbes Ross
Frederick William Forbes Ross F.R.C.S. was a British surgeon and inventor. Ross was an alternative cancer treatment advocate who promoted the theory that cancer is caused by a deficiency of potassium salts in the body and that if the deficiency is
Lectin-free diet
The Lectin-free diet is a fad diet which claims that avoiding all foods that contain high amounts of lectins will prevent or reverse arthritis, cancer, cardiovascular disease, inflammation and autoimmune diseases. There is no clinical evidence that a
Cyril V. Pink
Cyril Valentine Pink (1894–1965) M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. was a British obstetrician, naturopath, Theosophist, and vegetarianism activist. Pink was an early medical advocate of natural childbirth. He was the co-founder of Stonefield Maternity Home and was a
Scott Soames
Scott Soames is an American philosopher. He is a professor of philosophy at the University of Southern California, and before that at Princeton University. He specializes in the philosophy of language and the history of analytic philosophy. He is well
W. R. C. Latson
William Richard Cunningham Latson was an American physician, occultist, physical culturist and vegetarian
Blake F. Donaldson
Blake Ferguson Donaldson was an American physician, hunter and early advocate of a meat-only diet, which later became known as the carnivore diet
Michael P. T. Leahy
Michael Paul Tutton Leahy was an English conservative philosopher and opponent of animal rights and vegetarianism
Chaudhry Nadeem Khadim
Ch Nadeem Khadim (born January 12, 1970 at Okara, Pakistan is a Pakistani politician and Member of the Pujab Assembly