Animalia (book)

Animalia is an illustrated children's book by Graeme Base. It was originally published in 1986, followed by a tenth anniversary edition in 1996, and a 25th anniversary edition in 2012. Over four million copies have been sold worldwide. A special numbered and signed anniversary edition was also published in 1996, with an embossed gold jacket.
USS Ohio
USS Ohio may refer to:USS Ohio (1812) was a schooner on Lake Erie during the War of 1812 in commission from 1813 to 1814, captured by British and renamed as HMS Huron USS Ohio (1820) was a ship of the line, launched in 1820 and in commission as a
The gymnosphaerids are a small group of heliozoan protists found in marine environments. They tend to be roughly spherical with radially directed axopods, supported by microtubules in a triangular-hexagonal array arising from an amorphous central granule
John van Melle
John van Melle was the pen name of a Dutch-born South African author. His real name was Johannes van Melle
Order Desmothoracida, the desmothoracids, are a group of heliozoan protists, usually sessile and found in freshwater environments. The adult is a spherical cell around 10-20 μm in diameter surrounded by a perforated organic lorica, or shell, with many
The Alexandrists were a school of Renaissance philosophers who, in the great controversy on the subject of personal immortality, adopted the explanation of the De Anima given by Alexander of Aphrodisias
The Percolozoa are a group of colourless, non-photosynthetic Excavata, including many that can transform between amoeboid, flagellate, and cyst stages
Twist (poker)
Twist is poker jargon for a round with specific rules which is sometimes used in the poker variant stud poker
Compound turbine
A compound turbine is a steam turbine in which there are two casings, a high-pressure casing and a low-pressure casing, operating in concert to extract work from a single source of steam. The steam is partially expanded in the high-pressure casing, then
Starting hand
In poker, a starting hand is the initial set of cards dealt to a player before any voluntary betting takes place. For example, in seven-card stud this is two downcards and one upcard, in Texas hold 'em it is two downcards, and in five-card draw it is five
Jessie G. Beach
Jessie G. Beach was an American paleontologist and museum aide. She worked for the Smithsonian Institution's department of paleobiology at the United States National Museum. Beach is one of the notable "Smithsonian women in science", working at a time