Alfons Maria Jakob

Alfons Maria Jakob was a German neurologist who worked in the field of neuropathology.
Onésime Delafond
Henri-Mamert-Onésime Delafond was a French veterinarian born in Saint-Amand-en-Puisaye, Nièvre department. Delafond was one of the primary representatives of veterinary science in France during the first half of the nineteenth century
Angelo Maffucci
Angelo Maria Maffucci was an Italian pathologist of the nineteenth century. His most important scientific contribution is related to the description of the disease known as Maffucci’s Syndrome. Maffucci was a pioneer in the field of embryonal infective
Friedrich Theodor von Frerichs
Friedrich Theodor von Frerichs was a German pathologist born in Aurich
Louis-Anne-Jean Brocq
Louis-Anne-Jean Brocq was a French dermatologist born in Laroque-Timbaut, a village in the department of Lot-et-Garonne
Christian Gerhard Leopold
Christian Gerhard Leopold was a German gynecologist born in Meerane, Saxony
François Chaussier
François Chaussier was a French anatomist who was a native of Dijon. His name is associated with the Prix Chaussier
Amédée Borrel
Amédée Marie Vincent Borrel was a French physician and microbiologist born in Cazouls-lès-Béziers, Hérault
Wilhelm Uhthoff
Wilhelm Uhthoff was a German ophthalmologist born in Klein-Warin
Friedrich Schlemm
Friedrich Schlemm was a German anatomist who was professor at the University of Berlin
Jessie G. Beach
Jessie G. Beach was an American paleontologist and museum aide. She worked for the Smithsonian Institution's department of paleobiology at the United States National Museum. Beach is one of the notable "Smithsonian women in science", working at a time