Adjournment debate

In the Westminster system, an adjournment debate is a debate on the motion, "That this House do now adjourn." In practice, this is a way of enabling the House to have a debate on a subject without considering a substantive motion.
List of books with Robert's Rules in the title
Robert's Rules of Order is the short title of a book, written by Henry Martyn Robert, that is intended to be a guide for conducting meetings and making decisions as a group. Originally published in 1876, it has been revised regularly through the years
Meeting (parliamentary procedure)
According to Robert's Rules of Order, a widely used guide to parliamentary procedure, a meeting is a gathering of a group of people to make decisions. This sense of "meeting" may be different from the general sense in that a meeting in general may not
Non-textual amendment
In legislatures, more commonly in parliaments, a non-textual amendment is an amendment that alters the meaning or scope of operation of a piece of legislation, but without changing the text. This is done by creating a provision that refers to another
Second-degree amendment
In parliamentary procedure using Robert's Rules of Order, the wording of a motion could be changed by an amendment. This amendment is called a primary amendment, or first-degree amendment. A secondary amendment, or second-degree amendment is an amendment
Executive session
An executive session is a term for any block within an otherwise open meeting in which minutes are taken separately or not at all, outsiders are not present, and the contents of the discussion are treated as confidential. In a deliberative assembly, an
Friendly amendment
In parliamentary procedure, a friendly amendment is an amendment to a motion under debate that is perceived by all parties as an enhancement to the original motion, often only as clarification of intent. The opposite concept is known as a hostile
Requests and inquiries
In parliamentary procedure, requests and inquiries are motions used by members of a deliberative assembly to obtain information or to do or have something done that requires permission of the assembly. Except for a request to be excused from a duty, these
Unanimous consent
In parliamentary procedure, unanimous consent, also known as general consent, or in the case of the parliaments under the Westminster system, leave of the house, is a situation in which no member present objects to a proposal
Nomination is part of the process of selecting a candidate for either election to a public office, or the bestowing of an honor or award. A collection of nominees narrowed from the full list of candidates is a short list
Commission and Others v Kadi
Commission and Others v Kadi was a case in the European Court of Justice, an appeal from the earlier case Kadi v Commission (T-85/09) in the General Court. The Court of Justice, by dismissing the appeal, confirmed the General Court’s annulment of