
Actresses is a 1997 Catalan language Spanish drama film produced and directed by Ventura Pons and based on the award-winning stage play E.R. by Josep Maria Benet i Jornet. The film has no male actors, with all roles played by females. The film was produced in 1996.
Bárbara Elorrieta
Bárbara Elorrieta is a Spanish actress and TV producer. Both her grandfather José María Elorrieta and father Javier Elorrieta are film directors
Fernando Andina
Fernando Andina is a Spanish actor
Lluvia Rojo
Lluvia Rojo Moro is a Spanish actress and singer
Anna Ciocchetti
Anna Ciocchetti Millán is a Spanish-born Mexican actress and singer
Wedding Days
Wedding Days is a 2002 dogma film directed by Juan Pinzás
Goyo Jiménez
Gregorio Jiménez Tornero alias Goyo Jiménez is a Spanish actor, screenwriter and humorist known by his stand-up comedy performances
Herbert Wadsack
Herbert Wadsack was an Austrian librarian and writer
Life and Colour
Life and Colour is a 2005 Spanish movie
Ukamau is a 1966 black-and-white film directed by Jorge Sanjinés
Adam Lepa
Adam Lepa was a Polish Roman Catholic prelate