
An abugida, sometimes known as alphasyllabary, neosyllabary or pseudo-alphabet, is a segmental writing system in which consonant-vowel sequences are written as units; each unit is based on a consonant letter, and vowel notation is secondary. This contrasts with a full alphabet, in which vowels have status equal to consonants, and with an abjad, in which vowel marking is absent, partial, or optional. The terms also contrast them with a syllabary, in which the symbols cannot be split into separate consonants and vowels.
In the linguistic study of written languages, a syllabary is a set of written symbols that represent the syllables or moras which make up words
Romic alphabet
The Romic Alphabet, sometimes known as the Romic Reform, is a phonetic alphabet proposed by Henry Sweet. It descends from Ellis's Palaeotype alphabet and English Phonotypic Alphabet, and is the direct ancestor of the International Phonetic Alphabet. In
Manner of articulation
In articulatory phonetics, the manner of articulation is the configuration and interaction of the articulators when making a speech sound. One parameter of manner is stricture, that is, how closely the speech organs approach one another. Others include
JPEG Network Graphics
JPEG Network Graphics is a JPEG-based graphics file format which is closely related to PNG: it uses the PNG file structure as a container format to wrap JPEG-encoded image data
Linguistic Diversity in Space and Time
Linguistic Diversity in Space and Time is a 1992 book by linguist Johanna Nichols. It is her best-known work, pioneering the use of linguistic typology as a tool for understanding human migrations in prehistory
Slack voice
Slack voice is the pronunciation of consonant or vowels with a glottal opening slightly wider than that occurring in modal voice. Such sounds are often referred to informally as lenis or half-voiced in the case of consonants. In some Chinese varieties
Rongorongo text Z
Text Z of the rongorongo corpus, also known as Poike, is a palimpsest inscription that may be one of two dozen surviving rongorongo texts. The authenticity of the upper text is in question
Zala language
Zala is a variety of the Ometo languages spoken in Gamo-Gofa Zone, Ethiopia. There is little information on it. It may be a dialect of Wolaitta, Gofa, or a distinct language in the central Ometo dialect continuum
Assyrian Timber Transportation relief
The Assyrian Timber Transportation relief is a well-known wall relief from the palace of Dur-Sharrukin, the Assyrian capital under Sargon II. The reliefs are held in the Louvre, having been excavated in 1844 by Paul-Émile Botta
Bosque Mesófilo Nevado de Colima State Park
Bosque Mesófilo Nevado de Colima State Park is a protected area in western Mexico. It is located in Jalisco state, and protects four cloud forests on the slopes of the twin volcanoes Nevado de Colima and Volcán de Colima