Abstract (law)

In law, an abstract is a brief statement that contains the most important points of a long legal document or of several related legal papers.
European Patent Judges' Symposium
The European Patent Judges' Symposium is a biennial symposium, with the claimed aim of providing a platform for national judges from legal systems with differing traditions to exchange experiences and to thereby promote mutual understanding in the
G 1/19
G 1/19 is a decision issued by the Enlarged Board of Appeal of the European Patent Office (EPO) on 10 March 2021, which deals with the patentability of computer-implemented simulations
Josef Kratochvíl (civil servant)
Josef Kratochvíl is a Czech civil servant and current President of the Industrial Property Office of the Czech Republic. On December 12, 2018, he was elected Chairman of the Administrative Council of the European Patent Organisation, a position he took
G 1/21
G 1/21 is a decision issued on 16 July 2021 by the Enlarged Board of Appeal of the European Patent Office (EPO) regarding the legality of holding oral proceedings at the EPO by videoconference without the consent of the parties. Namely, the Enlarged Board
G 2/19
G 2/19 is a decision issued by the Enlarged Board of Appeal of the European Patent Office (EPO) on 16 July 2019, which deals with three legal questions, the third relating to whether oral proceedings before the EPO Boards of Appeal may be held in Haar in
Observations by third parties under the European Patent Convention
Under the European Patent Convention (EPC), any third party –i.e., essentially any person– may file observations on the patentability of an invention which is the subject of a European patent application or, after grant, subject of a European patent
European Classification
The European Classification (ECLA) is a former patent classification system maintained by the European Patent Office (EPO). The ECLA classification system contains 134 000 subdivisions. It is mainly an extension of the International Patent Classification
Guidelines for Examination in the European Patent Office
The Guidelines for Examination in the European Patent Office are general instructions, for the examiners working at the European Patent Office (EPO) as well as for the parties interacting with the EPO, on the practice and procedure at the EPO in the
G 2/98
G 2/98 is an opinion of the Enlarged Board of Appeal of the European Patent Office (EPO) issued on May 31, 2001, after a point of law was referred to it by the President of the EPO. The case pertains to the interpretation of the legal concept of "the same
Inzer (surname)
Inzer is a surname. People with that surname include:Drew Inzer, American football offensive lineman James C. Inzer (1887–1967), 16th Lieutenant Governor of Alabama William H. Inzer (1906–1978), Justice of the Supreme Court of